We Help Our Community's Students Succeed Through Scholarship

Scholarship Awards Recipients and Dollars for Scholars Officer (2024)

The Hillcrest-Marlow Heights Civic Association Dollars for Scholars® (HMHCA Dollars for Scholars®) is located in Temple Hills, Maryland, within  Prince George's County - a suburb of Washington, DC.

HMHCA Dollars for Scholars® is a non-profit charitable organization that supports students residing in our geographic area.  Our local Chapter helps community students achieve their educational goals by raising scholarship funds, providing assistance with college readiness and the financial aid process, distributing scholarships each year, and encouraging students with recognition of achievements at an annual awards ceremony.
Spearheaded by the Officers of the Hillcrest-Marlow Heights Civic Association, the scholarship program was founded in 1988 by a group of civic-minded citizens who saw a need to help the young people of the Hillcrest-Marlow Heights area with their college education expenses.  In July 2010, the Hillcrest-Marlow Heights Civic Association transitioned the predecessor scholarship program to a "Dollars for Scholars®" affiliate Chapter under the parent organization, Scholarship America.  Through its affiliation with Scholarship America, HMHCA Dollars for Scholars® is a tax-exempt organization under IRS ruling 501(c)3.
The local Dollars for Scholars® Chapter is responsible for providing a mechanism whereby the Chapter may increase the awareness/opportunity of various scholarships available to graduating seniors and others participating in higher learning programs.
Our Chapter operates as an all-volunteer organization with no paid staff.  Our Officers, Board of Directors, and committees plan and execute fundraising projects to aid our community students.
Our Chapter is proud and thankful for the support of Hillcrest-Marlow Heights Civic Association members and friends, community residents, local churches, businesses, organizations, and our elected officials.  
Throughout our 34-year history, the Association's predecessor scholarship program and the current Dollars for Scholars® Chapter have awarded over $1,000,000 in scholarships to more than 600 Hillcrest-Marlow Heights, Maryland, area students.