2021 Scholarship Recipients


On June 24, 2021, the  Hillcrest-Marlow Heights Civic Association--Dollars for Scholars celebrated its 31st Awards ceremony virtually. We awarded scholarships to 19 students and two graduating 8th graders who will be attending high school in the fall. This year, we expanded our awards program by offering two new scholarships. One is a renewable award named after long-time member & former Vice-President for HMHCA-Dollars for Scholars "The William Streeter Memorial Scholarship Award." Two well-deserving students received this award because of their involvement in performing community service work and maintaining an exemplary academic record all while in the midst of a global pandemic. The award is renewable for three years for these two students. Congratulations! The second award is a one-time merit award from our parent affiliate Scholarship America called "The Scholarship America--Mission Action Award." To date: 598 scholarships have been awarded to students since 1988, totaling $969,800. 

Special Thanks to our Sponsors and Donors

Scholarship America (Mission Action Committee)  
Council Member Rodney C. Streeter, Prince George's County (7th District)
Council Member Monique Anderson Walker, Prince George's County (8th District)
Hillcrest-Marlow Heights Civic Association Members, Businesses & Friends                
Ernest Lee Person Memorial Scholarship Funds